Walks in Changing Weather

I tried to make the pictures look fancy in another photoshop document but the damned app kept crashing the computer and after the 5th time I decided to give up. This photo was taken Tuesday, November 10. This one was taken less than 24 hours later, the next morning on November 11th. Ah, living in the north! It does make the morning exercise (walking/running, yes, I started running again) a little more difficult, especially when ice piles up on the sidewalks and the streets, but it's kind of exciting. Cold weather running is my favorite kind, although my fifteen and a half minute miles aren't all that much more strenuous than my fast walking, so the calories burned tend to be about the same. One day I might get back down to twelve again, but whatever. Quite a contrast between Minnehaha Creek on a sunny morning and off of Lake Nokomis on a very eerie and ominous-looking day.