Walk, Run, or Ride 365

 The weather in Minneapolis has not really cooperated for what you'd call a traditionally satisfying fall experience, but we have kept up with our morning walks. Knowing full well the intensity and extreme difficulties the upcoming months in Minnesota will hold, weather-wise, it may have been a foolish commitment, but we've decided to stick with this routine, whether it's walking, running (let's be real, it'll be more like light jogging), or riding, for an entire year. We began it all October 5, 2020, so I'll log each walk, run, or ride for an entire year. Yes, I realize this will be a challenge, not only because of the weather but because I have a tendency to begin blog projects and then get busy with other things, but I am going to try. 

This looked a little to me like the lamppost in Narnia where Lucy meets Mr. Tumnus but with a lot less snow. Minnehaha Creek is actually quite beautiful through all of the seasons; we are so lucky. 

Before the snow started, leaves had clogged the drainage tunnels, making the water broaden out over the path, but a crew came and cleared them all out. Now we (and the ducks) have a nice, glassy creek within its banks again to enjoy!

Here's us, being committed to morning fitness! 


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